2020 ESG

Debut of Allegro.eu on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

On October 12, 2020 our shares debuted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

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It was the largest public offering in the history of Poland, with a market capitalisation of PLN 44 billion.

The price of one share was PLN 43, and on the day of its debut, the company’s price was systematically rising. Allegro.eu ended the year as the largest listed company in Poland.

As a token of appreciation for the contribution that employees have made to the company’s development, on the day of the IPO, all Group employees were offered 233 shares worth over PLN 10,000 (except those employees who held shares allocated under earlier programs). It was an unprecedented example of building a shareholder culture among employees and one of the very few programs of this kind, given its scale and scope in Poland. Read more in the Best place for employee development section.

As part of the IPO, the Group obtained PLN 972.3 million of net proceeds. See the video
44 billion
market capitalisation on the day of the debut
price of one share on the day of the debut
>10 k
worth of an allocation of Allegro.eu shares received by employees
972.3 million
of net proceeds, as part of the IPO

For more information about major changes in the organisation see chapter “Summary of key developments” of the Allegro.eu Consolidated Annual Report.

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The Group’s shares were held by the following entities (on the date of closing this report, i.e. 17 June 2021, last update 17 March 2021.

Shareholder Number of shares % share in the capital Number of GSM votes % of GSM votes
Cidinan S.à r.l. 286,778,572 28.03% 286,778,572 28.03%
Permira VI Investment Platform Limited 286,778,572 28.03% 286,778,572 28.03%
Mepinan S.à r.l. 63,728,574 6.23% 63,728,574 6.23%
Remaining shareholders 385,970,096 37.72% 385,970,096 37.72%
Total: 1,023,255,814 100.00% 1,023,255,814 100.00%

Allegro going fast: financial results

In 2020, the GMV index reached PLN 35,110.9 million, + 54.0% y / y, the increase in the Group’s GMV index was positively influenced by the strong increase in interest in online shopping among Polish consumers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The dynamics of the increase in the number of Active Buyers remained high both during the lockdown and after it was lifted. During the year, the number of buyers increased by 1.6 million (14.2% y / y) to 13.0 million.

The GMV ratio per Active Buyer increased by 36% in the fiscal year 2020 and reached PLN 2,699. The combination of the increase in the number of Active Buyers and GMV per one Active Buyer resulted in an increase of GMV for the last twelve months by 55.3% to PLN 35,055 million (excluding eBilet).

  • Internal indicator

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